Wednesday 3 January 2007

First Scene

One of the interesting things about our first show is our lead actor cum writer Arun forgetting his lines in the very first scene. He used to forget his lines very rarely in rehearsals, so, on stage it was a kind of mild shock to Ravi and myself. I did not know what to do, later after the show, Ravi told me, even he was perplexed and he confessed that he got little bit tensed when Arun forgot his lines.

In the video, you can see that Arun- the one with the spectacles- is just browsing the pages of the book instead of saying his dialogue. But , if you haven't seen the rehearsals, you will not know that Arun ( or Annayya, the role which he plays) has forgotten anything. In the video, it is as if he is taking his time ( or "freedom" as it is known in theater circle) !!!.